Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving at Brian's Work

Jasmine and Clara Taking a nap.


On Friday we went to Brian's work to have a Thanksgiving potluck. Clara had been asking to go to his work so she was very excited. When we got there she had to sit at his desk and use his highlighters. Then she saw a girl close to her age. So she went and grabbed her hand and led that little girl in circles from the office to the bay where we were going to eat. The parents of the girl were sitting in the bay. The girl's Mom was very pregnant. The little girl was very passive and kept doing what Clara wnated her to do until I made Clara bring the girl back to her mom. Then Clara made Brian go up and down some stairs for a while until the dinner started. We took her through the line. At the end was dessert and before I could get Clara she grabbed two buckeyes and was licking them all the way to our seats. We started to eat when my friend Courtney came over to say they made it. Clara took a ball from her and Clara then was done eating. So I had to track Avery's Dad down to see where Avery and Courtney were. They were outside so we sat out there. I had Brian bring our food out because I was hungry. Joe and Brian let the girls sit in the big trucks they have. They thought it was so fun. They played ball and had a great time. Clara didn't want to leave. So now I am sure she thinks her Dad works in the best place ever.

The last picture is from when Avery and her parents came over for lunch on Sunday. The girls had some ice cream. I think it was the only time they sat still. They had cookies for dessert, but we found out that Clara can't play pretend yet. Avery was telling Clara they were going on a bus and they had backpacks on and things to take to school. Clara thought they really were. So when they were "pretending" about ice cream Clara really wasn't happy so we gave them some. Avery is 2.5 so she plays pretend all the time. Clara still has a little while I think.

We are just gettign ready for Thanksgiving. Brian's parent and sister are coming down. They should be here early tomorrow morning. Clara has been talking about Grandma's and Grandpa's so I am sure she'll be excited to see one set of her Grandparent's. Yesterday the Queen of England was on TV and she said, "Grandma?" I said yes but not your Grandma. I thought it was funny. She has been wanting to read books about Grandma's too.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pine Mountain

We went to Pine Mountain, GA for races this weekend. Brian did a Mountain Bike race and I did a 10K. It was Brian's first bike race and he did great. He came in second in his age group. He rode 8.7 miles in 51 mins. His max speed was 29.5 mph. Crazy. We were very proud of him. I think he really enjoyed it. In some of the pictures of Brian are my running friend Don and Don's friend Rob.

I ran a twilight 10K and finished in 54:30. I had a hard time breathing maybe from my cold so I had to walk a little and I never do for a 10K. I had a good time they had the Christmas lights up as a preview for the runners. It was at Callaway Gardens. Julie and her family went too. Julie came in 3rd in her age group with her best time.

We all stayed in Columbus, GA in one hotel one. We thought it was going to be challenging with the girls and Clara being sick. They did really well.

On Sunday after the bike race we went to Callaway to hike around a little bit. It is a beautiful park.

Can't wait to go back to that side of GA.

Clara's cold is much better. She still has her cough but is sleeping again and is back to her normal self!