Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Before the Nutcracker
After Storytime at the Library
Before the Nutcracker

Our new Home

Calvin asleep at lunch
Chapel Tree lighting
Calvin's Black Eye
Thanksgiving after our 5 mile race
Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa
Fall Festival in GA
Brian hanging up lights in MA
Halloween in GA
The Rays and US in GA
Harvest Church in GA
Soccer Party GA
Halloween- Calvin and Briley GA
Calvin's Birthday GA

Breakfast with Santa MA

Breakfast with Santa MA
Clara doing crafts in GA

Here are some of the pictures I had to share from Oct. to Dec.

Friday, October 14, 2011

52nd's Halloween Party and more

Pictures are from the last few days. We carved our pumpkin on Thurs. for Brian's work. The kids helped clean it out and Brian cut it. We won a few ribbons at the Halloween party for 2nd in dessert, 1st in best pumpkin, first in best group costumes. Clara had fun doing the games and playing with the kids. Calvin had fun practicing walking and crawling around outside.

We had soccer today and Clara and her team did great.