Monday, January 10, 2011


Here are pictures from the last week. We went to the circus on Saturday. Everyone had a great time. Clara sat the whole time and was very well behaved. Calvin cried a little then fell asleep. Clara was scared one act and hid in my arm. Brian thought it was going to be bigger so I think he was a little disappointed. It was the best one I had seen so I thought it was great. Clara tried on a costume before the show. I let her dress up in her gymnastic outfit with a tutu so she was in a good mood all day. After wards Clara requesting going to My Father's Place for lunch we had so good pizza. It was a very nice day.

Today is an ice day. Brian didn't have to work and the state is closed down. Clara has been outside playing in it a good chunk of the morning. It looks like snow but it is all ice pellets.

Calvin has been doing great at night.He goes to bed at 8 when Clara does. He has been only waking up once around four and getting up between 7 and 8.

I ran yesterday it was cold and windy out. I went about four miles and was able to run without stopping to walk. I hope to start training for a half soon. Brian bought us a double jogger so once it is warm enough I can take both kids out. Clara keeps asking when I can take her running. So I hope she enjoys riding in it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Calvin rolled from his tummy to his back on the 30th.Calvin has also been full of smiles and coos. It has been exciting! Clara has been enjoying time with Daddy. Clara has been trying to get better at riding her tricycle because she wants a real bike for her birthday. I guess we'll see how she does.She took a nap today on the couch. I have been trying to go run a few times a week. I took Calvin with this morning for a little while. He did great but it was a little windy so I bought him in to Daddy and Clara.