Monday, March 14, 2011




Pictures from the last week. The weather has been nice. We have been able to do a lot outside. Clara is enjoying riding her bike. We went out Sat for a 2.5 mile bike ride and stopped to play at the park. Today we went out with Jorgie. They had a good time. I guess I wore her out today she was asleep before 7:15. She has a recital coming up in May for Gymnastics. We are getting excited for that. Clara has been working on her letters, numbers, and other school related topics. She seems to be enjoying. She loves writing the letter H right now and drawing pictures of people. Clara loves playing with Calvin she has a few little games she has made up to do with him. She has been into joke telling too. Most are from books.

Calvin is busy rolling around the floor and whining because he can't crawl. He has been eating solids well. He has had carrots and sweet potatoes so far. I made some butternut squash and acorn squash this weekend. He is sleeping well at night. He gets up once a night and sleeps until 8 in the morning. He loves it when Big Sister reads to him and plays with him.

Both kids have been doing great in the jogging stroller so I have been getting a few miles in a week. Clara is happy as long as we can go the park after wards. She likes looks for the horses and different animals on the path. Calvin falls asleep most of the time. It works for a morning nap. I have been doing long runs on the weeks with Julie and who ever dares to come out. It is nice to get out for an hour or so. We made it ten miles last week.

Brian has been busy at work. Today he did his shooting to qualify on his weapon. We are hoping he won't have to deploy this spring but we'll wait and see. He played golf two weekends ago in the rain. He did nine holes with his friend. During the nine hole he throw a club in a lake and hit a car with a golf ball. Funny thing they didn't even drink that day. He enjoyed getting out for a while.