Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jekyll Island and more

We went to Jekyll Island for a little Anniversary/ Father's Day trip. It was nice to spend to great events together since Brian had been gone the past two years for them. Jekyll Island is beautiful. The history behind it makes it feel like an Elite ritzy place to be. Clara loved being at the beach. Both mornings Clara, Jasmine and I went for a hour walk along the beach. The first morning we saw where the sea turtles came out of the water to lay their eggs and then go back into the water. It was really special to see their tracks.

Clara and Brian found sand dollars, hermit crabs. We saw two small dolphins near the shore. An angler caught a baby shark, it was pretty neat to see. We walked around the old cottages where the Rockefeller and Goodyear families once stayed. They were beautiful buildings. There are fires in FL burning and the ash, haze and smoke blew up on the island but it only seemed bad in the mornings.

Calvin had fun in the sand at the beach. He crawled around and Brian dug him a hole to stand in. He didn't enjoy getting in the water. He didn't like the waves. Brian Flew his kite he bought in Cheyenne. It took him a while but he figured it out. None of us wanted to leave today. We all wished we could stay longer than a weekend. But it was nice to have a little break.

We came home and made dinner and dessert for Brian for Father's Day. We gave him his gifts we made for him. Clara was really excited. Calvin has a top tooth coming in so he was a little grumpy today.

We have a property manager coming on Wednesday. We hope she has better news than the realtor.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


It sure feels like summer here! We have been busy so far. Clara finished up tee ball. She seemed to have enjoyed playing. Brian is still playing softball until the end of the month. I took Clara to the dentist this week and no cavities! Brian had a picnic on Friday and Clara enjoyed doing the three-legged race with her friend Logan and her Brian. She played in the water and sand. She was a mess when we went home we happen to have a change of clothes with us. Yesterday she went to a Birthday party and was in the pool most of the afternoon. She had fun showing the other kids how to go underwater. Today we went Blueberry picking. Brian and Calvin hadn't went before. We had a good time even Calvin picked a few.

Last week at the pool Clara went off the diving board twice. She was very brave! Clara almost rode her bike the first time in a long time. So when I went shopping they had graduation cakes on sale so I bought one. We had a bike riding party. Clara thought it was great.

Calvin has started crawling all over the floor, from one room to another. He crawls like Clara, the army crawl. He has been doing great! I took him to the dr. this week and his incision is healing well. He has been eating lots of new foods and enjoying them.

My Mom left Wed. We had a nice visit with her.