Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fishing in Hawkinsville

We went fishing in Hawkinsville today. Clara had a great time. she caught 10-12 blue gill fish and a turtle. Poor Turtle tried to eat the hook and worm. Brian dug the hook out of it's mouth. Clara and I just thought she had a real big fish but it was just a turtle. Calvin had fun until he got hot and tired. Then he sat in the stroller and had some lunch. We liked this facility better than the one last weekend. It had a more shade and we caught some fish. On the way home we drove around the Oaky Woods. Clara woke up and thought we were lost and when we got back closer to the highway she said oh good here is the pavement!

We went and saw Winnie the Pooh last night. The theater that was showing it was the dollar one. We went into the theater and half the seats were bagged and the row we sat in the seats moved and Clara's made a loud squeaky noise when she bounced around in it. We forgot the place only took cash. Clara and I counted money out for the tickets with her change and then planned to use plastic for popcorn. We get in there and only cash so I found enough money in the car to get Clara a kids popcorn and soda. I think Brian and I ate most of it. Most of the parents fell asleep and Brian and I took turns sleeping. Calvin made a lot of noise so I guess he liked it too. When we left I had Clara saying I highly recommend Winnie the Pooh. She thought it was good.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ballet Class

Clara had her first Ballet Class and loved it. She came home and showed me everything they did. Brian came home for lunch to help her get ready. Clara came home and told me I'm the biggest one in my class.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fishing and Jasmine's Birthday

We went fishing today to Flat Creek Public Fishing Area in Perry. We had a good time. It was a little on the hot side. Clara found a lot of mud to play in. We didn't catch any fish. Clara had a few bites. Calvin seemed to have a good time until he got too hot and wanted down. Brian didn't have the best luck with his poles. I think we all need more practice, but it was fun.

The other pictures are from when Clara woke up one day and said it was the dog's birthday so we had a party for her. We are guessing it was her sixth birthday. We made dog treats, cup cakes, presents and decorated the house. It was a good time. The funny thing was it stormed during the party so the dog was in hiding most of the time.

Clara starts ballet this week and soccer next month. She seems excited to try some new things out. Wehn I went to the coaches meeting they needed a coach for her team so I volunteered to do it. It will be a fun learning experience. So I'll coach until we move then give it to another parent to finish up the season.

Calvin is moving all around the house. Still mostly through crawling. He pulls up on anything he can. He walks a little behind roar the lion and walks along the couch. He is a happy baby who doesn't like his diaper changed. He still isn't sleeping through the night, but he takes good naps during the day. He eats really good most of the time too.

Brian is getting ready to work twelve hour shifts for the next two weeks. He is currently bottling new newest beer he made, Apple cider.

I am still training for my Marathon in November. I made it through a 17 mile run last week. I felt really pretty good after.