Saturday, February 25, 2012


Calvin with his first haircut riding his train Grandpa John got him. He loves driving around the house!

Calvin is getting so big! He is now saying all sort of words like drink, cheese, shoe, Mommy, Dada, and sit. He loves to sit in our laps and listen to stories just like big Sister. He loves music and will dance to anything with a beat!
Clara took classes at the Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary. She did one on How they make Maple Syrup, animal tracking, sheep and other farm animals and winter fun. She loved it and seemed to learn so much. It was fun to hear all about the activities when she was done. The classes were 9:30-12. I hope to put her in it in April for another week. It will be a nice break while Brian is in AL. Clara has been working on her writing skills and learning the sounds of letters. She is really doing great.

Brian traded in his truck for a Volks Wagon Mini Van this week. I haven't taken a picture of it yet. I know he was sad but the truck hasn't been running well and was a gas hog. Brian finally started his real job at this base. He has been very busy taking 6 credit hours. He has been doing public speaking on base and an Art class on-line. This has been taking up any extra time he has. He will be going to AL in April for 6weeks for a Leadership School.

Valentine's Donuts from Dunkin Donuts!

Clara and Calvin before her class. Calvin loves to wear his bike helmet!

My Uncle passed away last Saturday from a heroic battle with Cancer. He fought to the end! Words can't describe how much I will miss him. We had lots of fun times together! We will be attending his memorial in Cheyenne next Saturday. Send lots of strength my way to do a speech at his memorial I know I will need it!

On another note I ran my 11th half Marathon last Sunday in the Beautiful Hamptons! It was a beautiful course. My watch broke so I had no idea how fast or slow I was going. It was a surprise at the end to see how I did. The next one I do I don't think I'll run with my watch it was nice to be free. I ran the whole thing with no walk break! Yea Me! I finished in 2:06. I laid in the sand by the ocean for a little while and then drove home to check on Brian. He had an awful stomach flu for the day. Then Clara and I went to see the Dare to Dream Disney production in Boston. It was really great to see. I know she had a great time. She spent her $20 well on cotton candy and an icee. Alteast the cotton candy came with a crown and the Icee was a collector cup with a cool straw.

Friday, February 3, 2012