Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today we went to a new friend's house. We met them through Clara's swim class. We had lunch with them and spent the afternoon playing. Clara had so much fun. They played dress-up and with stickers. She thought it was great. She behaved really well and she didn't even have a nap today. I was proud of her. All morning all she could talk about was going to Avery's to play, it was cute. When we were over there she just kept saying Avery.

Clara is really starting to talk a lot. It is fun to hear the things she says. I am really excited for Brian to hear all of her words.

Tonight she had a bubble bath and we washed her babies. She loved it. She loves her dolls. She really enjoys wrapping them in blankets and then in their bed. Grandma Winnie sent her a doll bed a while ago and I just got it out last week. She loves playing with it.

We have the rest of the week planned out. Trying to stay very busy so time goes by. Ashley, her little girl, Clara and I are going to spend Sunday together before the guys get in that night. We thought we could be antsy together.

Brian will be flying out of Afghanistan tomorrow afternoon. They have a flight and a time!! (All according to Ashley's husband since I haven't got to talk to Brian too much since his Internet expired.)


  1. I am so happy that Clara has so many new words. Brian is going to think that she has changed SO much.

    It is just great that he is coming home. I will keep praying for his safety.

  2. Yah! That is awesome he is coming home in a few days. Now you can just take a *sigh* of relief that he is out of Afghanistan. Couple more days! :)

  3. Clara is just a love muffin. I can't believe how big she is getting! YAY...soon your wonderful hubby will be home and excited to hear all that Clara is saying. Thanks for the updates, I love seeing all of the photos and reading about all that is happening.
