Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun Times in KY

At the Zoo at Swan Lake.

At the ZOO

From Thanksgiving at Krogers.

A cool toy Grandma picked out for Clara. She was licking it like an ice cream cone.

Waiting for the Train. Check out Clara's rainboat/snowboats.

Some are blury from the trying to take pictures at night.

Clara adn the Gingerbread person.

At the Zoo

Going to the Zoo to see the light!!

playing outside with Daddy!

Clara and Jasmine gettign ready to go outside.

This one is from Thanksgiving, but I found it on Karen's camera.

Since we have been in KY Clara has been able to play in a little snow. She kept saying, " Mommy I see snow!" She was so excited. We went and saw Great Grandma Rosemary. We went to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo last night. Clara did really good in the cold. She enjoyed seeing the lights and held Brian's hand as we walked around.

Today we are going to look at Trains and different things. I'll try to post more pictures soon.

Enjoy your day!

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