Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mossy Creek

We went to Mossy Creek festival yesterday. Clara had a great time. She wanted a sword balloon instead of a flower. It still hasn't popped! She went to the petting zoo, rode a horse, went on a hayride, ate 2 ears of corn, ate ice cream and curly fries. We saw a ventriloquist. He was funny Clara sat in Brian's lap the whole time she must have enjoyed it. We didn't look at the crafts this year we just ate and did the fun stuff.

The girls had my shower today. I forgot my camera but they took pictures. We had a good time and came home with lots of cute boy clothes. I enjoyed seeing my running friends and playgroup girls. It was a nice time to get away for a little while. I didn't know I had such weird stuff in my purse until the shower. The food was great and Ashley's cakes always turn out great! Thank you for everyone who sent a little something we really appreciate it. I got the new clothes washed tonight. It seems as of now we are more prepared than with Clara with clothes washed and a room ready. We still have a few things that need done. I go to the Dr. on Tues again. Hopefully my blood pressure isn't any higher. As of last week I am 3cm dilated.

Brian and Clara had lots of fun too at the parts store and Lowe's. At the parts store Clara got a basket ans loaded it up with random stuff while Brian picked out windshield wipers. Then at Lowe's he was lucky enough to take her to the Men's bathroom. They gave the dog a bath and watched a movie.