Saturday, March 17, 2012


The kids got tired and Calvin didn't want to share so he was biting.

A fun place to put a finger.
fish face

Some mushroom/mold Clara wanted a picture of.

Clara wanted a ride too

Clara with her collection of sticks she wouldn't share

One of many rock walls

Calvin's cheese smile.
Turtle Pond
Reading books after breakfast
I don't know what that kid ate but he liked it.

Clara and Jasmine
Brian ready for his inspection
Calvin loves to clean especially vacuum

Milly and Aunt Amy

Calvin with Daddy's motorcycle helmet on

Jessie and the kids. Our short visit to Laramie but we saw and ate everything needed. Corona Village was so good.
Dinosaur Museum on the UW campus.

Kids in the laundry basket after I got done putting clothes away.

We made a quick trip to WY for UD's Memorial. We enjoyed seeing all of my Family and some College friends. We enjoyed many places to eat that we forgot how much we miss. Like really Mexican food and Twin Dragon.

For St. Patrick's Day we went to a Nature Habitat in Belmont, MA. It had a large Mansion and we walked through the bottom portion. It was very neat. I guess it was a wedding gift in 1914 to a couple and they later donated it to the state along with another in Plymouth. The trails were fun to walk. It was the first time we let Calvin roam. They had fun with sticks. Brian ended up with a tick but the kids and I were fine. When we got home we had Corn beef with potatoes, carrots and cabbage, green drinks, green jello and a Chocolate Guinness Cake.

Brian passed both his college classes with A's. He worked hard for them. Now he has 6 more credits to get his Associates. Hopefully he can finish up after his 6 week class in AL. He has been busy at work and seems to be enjoying it.

Clara should be able to start preschool soon. We are looking forward to that even though our morning schedule will have to change drastically. School starts at 8am. Clara went on two bikes rides to the commissary this week. On the 3 rd day she said her legs hurt and I am sure they did. We having been working to wean her off pull ups at night . So far so good.

Calvin is busy exploring and trying to say new words. He loves being outside. He has been enjoying "riding" his tricycle. He loves wearing his helmet sometimes for a few hours and won't take it off.

I finished my classes. Both went well. I am not sure if I get grades for mine. I have been running with a neighbor who is training for the Boston Marathon. It has been fun to have a running friend again. I also was able to get another neighbor to run once a week with her son. It has been nice to get to know a few of our neighbors. I'll have to find another race to sign up for to train for and complete.

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