Wednesday, July 11, 2012

June Road Trip

Flower girls

Blake and his niece, Ava
Blake's sister and niece

Blake's parents with the Bride and Groom

Hailey and Calvin

Ava (co-flowergirl) and Clara dancing

John, Clara, Calvin, Karen
Calvin caught a bug!
Grandma Winnie and Me. The kids were too wild for a picture.

Clara, Chase, Maya, Eva, Ryan, Calvin
Rosemary, Brian, Calvin and Clara
4th of July

We are home and back to normal after our 13 states in 14 day adventure. It was quite the roadtrip to say the least. We had an enjoyable time at Milly and Blake's Wedding. They had a beautiful Ceremony. We were happy to welcome Blake into our family. We wish him well in his new career in the Military this fall. The location was very picture friendly. We were able to get many good pictures of the family. I really enjoyed getting to know Casey's girlfriend Jill. She is a very sweet girl!

We were able to stop an see our friend Nate in NE. The kids loved his house. Too bad we didn't have more time to spend to get in the lake. Calvin thought we had plenty of time. We all walked down to put our feet in the water and Calvin waited until we were walking away and jumped right in. He had the same thoughts we did he just acted on them. Brian and I have many fond memories skiing and hanging out with Friends at Nate's.

Our next stop was to see Grandma Mary and Grandpa Harold. I didn't take any pictures. I felt bad Grandma had surgery the day before we got there. She was feeling a little blah and her arm looked pretty rough. They put a port in her arm. We had a wonderful visit. I really enjoy hearing all they stories about when they were younger and there fun adventures. We also took a trip to the cemetery. As Clara would say we went to visit our friends that were planted. It was fun to hear the history of the church and cemetery as well as our family that is buried there. Shame on Jasmine she took a poo on Grandma and Grandpa's spot. Grandma just laughed and said she was fertilizing the soil. I wish we could have stayed longer. It was a great afternoon.

On the Road again... We ended up in Shelbyville, IL. Grandma Winnie and Aunt Chris were happy to see us. Brian's parents, Brian and the kids went to the pool so I could sit and visit with Grandma. We had a nice time. I enjoyed all her jokes and stories oh yes and I can't forget her songs. She has such a memory.  My favorite joke she told was, "A couple were driving and arguing about how to pronounce Kissimmee. Finally the couple stopped for a bite to eat and the husband asked how do you pronounce this place and the lady said Bur-ger K-ing.” It really made me laugh. We also spent some time talking about Uncle Denny. She talked about the time at my Wedding and all the nice words he had to stay about different things. Aunt Chris came over and I was able to visit with her while we went to go get meals. We had a few good laughs and a few things I was to never mention again. She has quite the sense of humor. I was really happy to see how great she was moving her arm and shoulder after breaking it this spring. I can tell she has been working really hard at physically therapy. Again I wish we had more time to visit.

Our next adventure brought us to Kentucky so we could drop John and Karen off and spend time with Brian’s extended family. We made a mad dash to Ohio to ride so sweet trains at Uncle Gerry and Aunt Sandy’s house. Calvin didn’t want to get off them. He has a love for trains. While we were in Cheyenne Calvin would run when he heard the train whistle and look out the window. Uncle Gerry has a really nice train and track. We could tell it took a lot of time and effort to build such a neat train area. Next we drove up to Grass Lake, Michigan to visit a dairy farm. The farm belongs to Brian’s cousin. As soon as we got out of the car Clara the crazy cat girl she is spotted barn cats. The kids were trying to show us around and Clara was trying to hold cats. We saw many new calves and we were there during milking time. We also went to the gravel pits to feed the fish. We all had a good time. The cutest conversation occurred while we were headed back to the house from the gravel pit. Clara, James and Izzy were in the wagon and Clara was trying to negotiate a cat. She was telling them that since they had so many cats they should give her one or two. Izzy and James didn’t agree. Clara was so sweet about it and just wanted one of their cats.

The next day we drove to King’s Island and spent the day there. The high was around 104. The kids really enjoyed riding the rides and playing at the water park. Brian and I went rode two roller coasters and enjoyed so very yummy blueberry ice cream. We stayed and watched the fireworks. On Sunday John’s side of the family came over. The little cousins played on the slip and slide. They had a fun time. We enjoyed seeing everyone. Monday we made our long 14 hour drive home.

We arrived home at 12:30 am and Brian got up at 6:30 for PT and then went to work. But he only worked half a day and then started Fourth of July a little early.  

On the fourth of July we took the T into Boston, our first experience. It went really well. We saw new parts of Boston we hadn’t seen before. We also saw the Blue Angels fly by around the skyline which was really neat. We didn’t stay for the fireworks we were too tired. We did go to the fireworks in Lexington on the 5th of July. The kids really did enjoy them.

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