Calvin put Skippy Jon Jones in the fridge. He more than likely was getting his milk and left the cat.
Clara loves her dog!
Someone has to pee!
Clara's first try riding her bike on two wheels. aka no training wheels
oh and yes we let our kid out in his undies.
Look at her go! Wow didn't know Dad could run so fast!
Sitting in the window!
Calvin in his Big Boy Bed!!
Clara practicing writing words
Middlesex County Fair
We saw the neighbors there. The kids were excited to see one another!
They were dancing on a platform and didn't want to leave.
Strangest face painting I had seen good thing it was only $1
Lunch in the wagon!
We entered a corn husking contest and won 1st!
Calvin ate a little of the corn. They were only using it for the Chicken dinner later that night.
Calvin loved the horse ride. The following week the kids rode more horses on base and Calvin had to do it twice. He smiled the whole time!
Watching the dog show
I think he was tired and eating fruit snacks!
Trains! I think we were in there an hour.
On the way home from the fair.
Clara wouldn't give in.
Playing chutes and ladders while I made dinner.
His new favorite thing to do is ride his tricycle!!
Clara learned to ride on two wheels on Labor Day weekend!! We were going to go on a walk so Brian could do homework and Clara saw her friends riding bikes. One of the girls learned to ride on two wheels earlier in the hour and was really proud and Clara wanted to do it too. We went home and had Brian take off the wheels and she was off. She didn't even fall down until later that night. She fell into the neighbor's car when she did fall.
Our proud girl!! She rode 4 miles the other day on her two wheels! She is doing awesome!
Last week Brian was in DC and enjoyed his visit.Brian is currently taking his last two college classes to earn his Associates.He should be done Mid-October. We are really proud of him.
I took the kids to the Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth. They had a good time. There were tons of people due to it being free that day. Clara started Pre-K on Wednesday! She is having fun but it makes her really tired so she has been grumpy at night. Calvin wanted to stay at preschool to play with the trains. So I had to take him out kicking and screaming the other day. We have been enjoying our time together in the mornings playing trains and riding his tricycle!
Can you teach my Claire to ride a bike? She won't even try! I love the picture of Brynlee and Calvin dancing! They were too cute!